What you need to know before changes take effect in January 2026.
Source: Directly from the law at NYAssembly.gov

To achieve the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050, New York became the first state to prohibit the installation of fossil fuel equipment and building systems - namely cooking stoves, clothes dryers, fireplaces and heating / cooling equipment.
In the not-too-distant future, fuel-burning appliances will become a staple of the past.
Buildings emit 32% of greenhouse gases.
New buildings <7 stories high starting 01.01.2026
New buildings of any height starting 01.01.2029
Existing buildings built prior to the effective date
Repair, alteration, addition, relocation, or change of occupancy of existing buildings
Installation or continued use and maintenance in existing buildings
Backup generators
Manufactured homes, manufacturing facilities, restaurants, laboratories, car washes, laundromats, hospitals / medical facilities, + critical infrastructure
Now What?
Once the law takes effect, if your building already has fossil fuel appliances, you can continue to use, maintain and even replace them with new ones. However, if you’re building from scratch, all of your building systems and appliances must be electric.
Want to learn how this will affect your project specifically?
Book a free Q+A with the architect! On this 30 minute phone call, you'll speak directly with Architect Liz Saunier about your project. The purpose of this call is to:
Understand your project goals and aspirations
Discuss your current situation and resources
Explain our process at a high level
Provide you with next steps based on your objectives and current situation